Ghost-style movie but an outer space alien movie

What good scary movie doesn’t leave you feel really afraid to remain alone at home or move to a dark bathroom at night? If you haven’t experienced any scary sensations after watching a scary movie, you need to check out the top 4 scariest/horror movies of all time.

These 4 horror films are considered the top scary movies of all time. This list is a little subjective and hence, the possibility exists you may not like them. So some pleasant advice – please go through the movie trailers of the horror movie you are considering seeing to determine if it is really worth watching.

There are some elements that make a horror movie worth watching. There are many horror movies which seem nothing more than comic movies. The movies worth watching are the ones which are pulse pounding, riveting, and unnerving and get

you to really become squeezed inside a blanket on bed or squirming in your seat. These movies create the best scary experience and make you really feel reluctant to go outside alone or stay alone. The four scary films discussed below are considered the top scary movies of all time.

A scary movie need not always be full of ghosts and apparitions. It can be anything like alien or a psycho killer or anything that creates some kind of spooky feeling inside you as you see one. Given below are four Top 10 Best Horror Movies In The World of all time.


Though this is not an Top 10 Best Horror Movies In The World but an outer space alien movie, it has every element of a scary movie. The sci-fi horror movie has some spine chilling scenes which are sure to frighten you.

The ship in the film is in outer space and is infiltrated by monsters which all lend to create a truly horror feeling. It makes you feel glad that you are not the character in that ship. The horrifying scenes of alien monsters killing each member of the crew with sound effects make your spine shrill.

The Exorcist:

This is another scary movie that you need to see. This movie is in the list of all time best horror movies and is a must see.

The movie has some uniqueness and because the story is based on true events, the movie makes you more frightened to find the small girl possessed by evil souls. The movie has been made in conventional storytelling style and creates a sense of fear in the audience.


In the discussion of horror movies Halloween finds a prominent position for its spooky scenes and fear filled shrieks.Rent this film and follow along with Michael Meyers as he terrorizes a small town. Another must see.

A Nightmare on Elm Street:

There are lots of horrifying turns in this movie to make you frightened and the storytelling style make it a real horror flick. Follow along with Freddie as he scare the wits out of you in your dreams. Highly recommended.

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Psychological horror movies – PG-13 is a rating that falls between R and PG.

I love my horror films, but recently everything is being watered down. Nowadays, everyone wants to do psychological horror movies. The reasoning for this you ask? Ah yes, they can slap a PG-13 on it and get even more audience members to go. More people equals more profit for the producers.

In case you don’t know, PG-13 is a rating that falls between R and PG. Its mainly aimed at teenagers and young adults. This is the demographic that horror chases after.

Almost all teenagers love horror movies and its somewhat odd how they are not able to go watch the movies that are pretty much made for them. Just count how many scary movies have a plot that involves teenagers in peril with some deadly killer stalking them. There’s a lot isn’t there?

So, back to the whole reasoning on why horror films aren’t as good anymore. For starters, the quick cuts. Many ratings boards will ask that horror movies trim their kills here or there in order to get a certain rating.

In my opinion this actually desensitizes the violence on screen, because it seems so quick and impersonal. Viewers may not take in the full emotion of a character/characters when the camera cuts in and out and on to the next scene.

I remember the days when Day Of The Dead was state of the art and you could actually see the craftsmanship by the effects wizards. Yeah, some of it was really gross, but so what, its a Best Horror Movies In The World. Now, we get flash bang cuts and we aren’t sure what just happened or what it was that we just saw or witnessed.

Its okay to keep some things in the dark for Best Horror Movies In The World, but how many times have we all seen the off screen kills. They go a little something like this. The Scary monster appears out of nowhere and lunges at a character.

The film then cuts to a wall with blood splattering on it. How original is that? That is the day and age we are in thanks to PG-13 ruling the producers wallets.

The Scream movies are an example of what happens when the movie makers aren’t too sure the direction they want to go in anymore. Just compare the violence between 1, 2, and 3.

For some reason 3 is the least violent of the scream movies and yep you guessed it, this is the one that introduced some “psychological” aspects to plot. These aspects include dream sequences and hallucinations of ghosts when all of the other movies were set in the conscious world.

Were these things introduced in order to take the place of the gruesome violence that was very much toned down? I can’t say for sure, but I have my opinions and I would suggest watching all three in a short time frame to see if you notice what I am talking about.

Hopefully horror movies will learn their lesson and get back to their darker roots and realize that an R rating can actually help them in more ways than one. I have to admit, with less and less audiences going to the movies these days, the horror genre is going to be the first one to take the hit.

Favorite horror movies of all time – The youngest movie of the list by a long way

Here is a list of my favorite horror movies of all time.

This list is not judging the best or scariest horror movies of all time. These are what I would call the best horror movies to watch around the Halloween season. So don’t expect to see some of my favorite horror movies like Saw and The Blair Witch Project as, in my opinion, they don’t really capture the atmosphere of Halloween. Anyway, feel free to argue, in fact, I welcome it.

5. The Evil Dead 2

Easily the goriest movie on the list and perhaps the most fun. Probably the only movie that scares me the exact amount it makes me laugh and at the same time is just flat out amazing.

Of course they are coming out with a remake which I don’t blame them for, mainly because I feel fans are going to complain so much that I do not need to. And who knows, with Raimi producing it might surprise us all.

4. The Shining

You know a movie is damn scary when you are creeped out watching a car drive down a mountain road. Despite all of his accomplishments I really think Jack was meant to do more Top 10 Best Horror Movies In The World, he may be the most naturally terrifying man I have ever seen in film. I have never looked at long hallways the same.

3. Friday the 13th

What a great Top 10 Best Horror Movies In The World for the Halloween season. This really took the slasher movie to ‘fun’ heights with over the top kills and really stupid teenagers and along the way has some genius scares. Add the scariest movie music ever and the greatest scare moment and you have a classic on your hands.

2. Scream

The youngest movie of the list by a long way. Movies today are just to focused on the gore and have lost that classic scary movie feel that may never come back. Scream had the balls to make fun of the horror genre while still managing to make one of the best the genre as ever seen.

Scream can also be credited with making horror movies popular again which they still are to this day. Sure numbers 3 and 4 was not needed but Scream 2 was actually very good and just missed this list. I am still waiting for a horror movie to do what Scream did back in 1996, but I will probably be waiting for a while.

1. Halloween

The movies name is Halloween, so how can it not be the top of the list. It is also the best horror movie of all time, so how can it not be the top of the list. It is pretty much responsible for influencing every slasher movie since the 70’s so how can it not be on top of the list.

You can probably tell I feel strongly about this movie being #1 and I think the reasons I listed above give it a strong case. I know people will be saying that Psycho started it all, which is true, but you will still see aspects of Halloween in slashers made today which is something you can not say about Psycho. I watch it every October and the halloween season would not be the same without it.

Paranormal Activity Movie Plotline What makes it scary?

Making its rounds in movie theaters now is the movie Paranormal Activity, and it has crowds leaving the theater in droves.

Not because it is a bad movie or poorly directed, but rather because the film had been so scary that even hardcore horror fans have experienced moments of pure fear, terror, nausea and a few have even passed out while watching the movie.

What makes it scary?

Maybe it has to do with the film’s genesis, which saw it being held in limbo since 2007 and only released in late September 2009.

Maybe Best Horror Movies In The World had to do with the fact that superstar director Steven Spielberg was so freaked out after watching a DVD copy of Paranormal Activity, that he promptly returned the DVD wrapped in a garbage bag the next morning to the DreamWorks studio.

Is it really scary?

During test screenings of the Best Horror Movies In The World, audience members were seen leaving the movie, leaving movie studio executives fearing for the worst, because they had planned a big Hollywood remake of the original film, made on a shoestring budget of $15,000.

When the executives later discovered that the audiences were literally running out of the theater because they were running scared. Well, as they say, the rest is history.

Paranormal Activity Movie Plotline

A young couple, Katie and Micah, have recently moved into their new suburban home and have a series of peculiar encounters.

Their sleep is disturbed by a supernatural presence every night, and Micah soon sets up a video camera to attempt an amateur ghost trapping operation. What he captures on the camera shocks the couple. But it is nothing compared to what happens next…

1931 Universal Studio launched 2 legendary horror movies, Dracula with Bela Lugosi

From time to time, we see so many horror movies come and go. Spooky, haunted houses, serial killers, slashers, maniacs, mentals, satanic and many others have been pictured in the movie. A lot of sub genres, a lot of remakes, a lot of variations, twist and all that can easily be found through the ages. Yeah, it’s all true. But have we ever thought where it all came from?
Or how does the horror movies genre change from time to time?

For you who share the same passion about horror movies, and want to know the road that have been travelled by Horror movies, allow me to have the honor to be your guide. Buckle up, here we go.

Where It All Began

The year was 1922, place: German. I can say that it was the birth of horror movies. W Murnau started the terror and fear through Nosferatu, nosferatuthe
story about bloodsucking vampire.

It wasn’t the first vampire movie, as in 1896 Georges Melies made Le Castle Du Diable, but Nosferatu was the first movie where we saw vampire destroyed by sunlight. This one boasted remarkable animalistic makeup that has not been replicated, even with modern
Technology Dozens of vampire movies followed after that. In 1931 Universal Studio launched 2 legendary horror movies, Dracula with Bela Lugosi and Frankenstein with Boris Karloff. Both of the movie became a classic and very successful.

Boris Karloff even became a legendary name in Top 10 Best Horror Movies In The World history. The Mummy (1932) a silent picture with horror icon Boris Karloff in the title role, remains a classic, with unforgettable make-up and atmosphere. In 1935, the sequel of Frankenstein,
The Bride Of Frankenstein was made.This isn’t silent anymore.


During 40’s the world’s on war, and it has changed the genre. Horror was almost forgotten as patriotic Top 10 Best Horror Movies In The World and war has taken the place. It slowly raised again around 50’s, where comedy and musical movies ruled. There were good ones took place at this time, House of Wax is one of the example.

1960 was the time for Hitchcock to make a memorable movie: Psycho. Too bad, this is the only horror movie by Hitchcock, cuz then he made lots of suspence thriller goodies like Rear Window, Vertigo,North by Northwest,Dial M For Murder that kinda changed the genre again. And remember, spaghetti western Movies in the late 60’s also had its moment.

The 70’s

This is the most creative year of Horror movies.Unlike before, horror movies got big exploration, where so many variation of story and evil came in. Note there were lots of controversy and protest happened here.The Exorcist (1973) for example showed disgusting scenes that never been imagined before, like the green puke to the face transformed to evil.

This movie was controversial when Catholic Church protested that the demon cast-out in the movie was against the code of conduct. The shining, that based on Stephen King’s novel was one of the best one during 70’s. Later on from this decade to 80s and 90s, lots of movies was made based on his scary novel such as Carrie, Christine, Cujo, It, , Cat’s Eye, Dream Catcher, are the example.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) was a low budget movie that reached a great result. This one introduced “the slasher movie” to the world that later followed by Halloween (say hi to Michael Myers) , Friday the 13th, Scream in the 80’s and 90’s and so on.

Omen is a bonechillin’ movie that can still give
you nightmare even with today’s technology of making movie.Simply unforgettable. Amityville Horror, based on the true story was the first movie that took place in the actual location. The report said a lot of bizarre and dreadful things were experienced by cast and crew in location.

Horror Movies began to gain popularity in 19th century with movies like Le Manoir du Dia

Horror movies give us thrill and spine chilling entertainment. These movies are filled with suspense, scary characters and unanticipated turmoil that recreates the environment of sheer fright. This genre of cinema has been immensely popular and with the advancement of films, it has also come a long way.

The old age frightening ghost and tumultuous characters like Frankenstein and Dracula have scared the audiences for years. With the advent of technology and enhanced graphics, uglier and more abhorrent characters have been introduced on the silver screen.

The movie makers are seeking new ways to manifest the evil and fiery outlook in the films. These movies have great graphics and admirable characterization which unveil the mystery and fear at every turn.

Horror Movies began to gain popularity in 19th century with Top 10 Best Horror Movies In The World like Le Manoir du Diable (The House of the Devil). However the first ever popular movie of this genre is the Dracula that was released in 1931. Dracula was the first ever scary evil that sucked human blood.

At the same time Frankenstein also frightened the people. The Mummy was released in 1932. All these Top 10 Best Horror Movies In The World became hits as soon as they were released.

In 1960’s Psycho was released which did not feature any monsters or supernatural events but focused on the evil that exists within every human being. By the 1970’s coloured films arrived on the scene and at the same time some of the scariest movies were showcased.

The colour of blood gave the movies more devious appeal. Exorcist was released in 1973 that shocked the entire world with its monstrous and atrocious characters. The Omen was another frightening movie. By the 1974 The Texas Chainsaw Massacre hit the big screen with great bang.

In 1978 Halloween was released which is considered as one of the most significant and scary horror movie. This movie was a smash hit and it gave immense popularity to actor Michael Myers as a villain.

He played Will Sandin who was locked in a mental asylum for years. He killed his sister at the age of six and became more gruesome afterwards. Other top Horror Movies are The Ring, The Grudge, Nightmare on Elm Street, Saw and the Hostel.

What is it about horror movies and Halloween that gets me (and millions of other people) excited each fall? Is it the crisp autumn air or the candy corn that puts sparkles in our eyes? Is it classic horror movies, such as Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street, that get us excited? Not exactly. It is the sense of escape that Halloween brings that gets us excited.

I theorize that it is the idea of escaping our daily routines, playing dress up and becoming enthralled by spine-tingling thrillers that excites us each October. October is that time of year that adults can pretend to be children again and play make-believe. Of course, it all starts with a scary costume (or funny costume).

Around Halloween, we get to pretend we are playing dress-up. Throughout the month of October, we adults get to attend Halloween parties and be whomever or whatever we want to be. We don’t have to be the guy in the next cubicle for a night. We can be a soldier, mummy, or all-powerful vampire. We get to leave our regular selves behind. When else can grown men put on latex masks and velvet capes? When can women dress up in gorilla suits and not think twice about it other than at Halloween? For many of us, Halloween is our time to be someone else. We can make or buy our capes and tights and parade around the parties like celebrities.

The Halloween props you see inside and outside of homes at Halloween add to the feeling of escape. My wife and I go all out at Halloween, decorating the driveway and sometimes even turning the garage into a haunted Best Horror Movies In The World. It is fun for us and the neighbors.

Will haunting your home make you money or in any way add to your financial state? Not really. But, it is Best Horror Movies In The World and, believe it or not, family entertainment. We love seeing area families come to trick or treat at our home and brave the haunted garage. The children squeal with glee and the parents leave with smiles on their faces. You have to have Halloween props to add to that sense of escapism.

Let’s not forget about the movies that are on television and in the movie theaters at Halloween. I know some people do not like horror movies (or monster movies as some people call them) but they have a place in society. It all comes back to escaping reality. I do not watch horror movies to enjoy the violence. I love seeing Jason, Freddy or Leatherface get beaten in the end. But, the suspense of the movies and feeling that I am taken out of the regular world is exciting. Worrying about Leatherface or a group of evil space aliens for an hour and a half is more fun than worrying about bills or nuclear power plants exploding in Japan. I know Leatherface will remain trapped in the television at the end of the night.

I challenge those people who do not celebrate Halloween to step out of their comfort zones and enjoy the holiday this coming fall. Buy some Halloween candy, a festive costume and Halloween props. Even if all you do is hang some cobwebs, put on an alien mask and watch old Munsters episodes on television, give the holiday a try. We all need to escape our lives once in a while and Halloween is the perfect time.


Halloween: The night he came home.

We’ve all seen certain movies that we don’t mind watching over again, and each time we see them they remind us exactly why we liked them in the first place. Well, for me Halloween is that kind of movie.

Halloween is a story about a murderous-escaped mental patient, named Michael Myers, who returns to his fictitious home town of Haddonfield, Ill. on Halloween in order to continue his homicidal predilection discovered by his parents when he was six years old, after killing his older sister.

Halloween was made in 1978, but still remains one of the best horror movies ever made. Here are just a few reasons I believe why.

Halloween: The night he came home.

The first thing I must say was John Carpenter’s and Debra Hill’s decision to write a horror movie using Halloween as the backdrop. They figured out that if done right they could maximize the latent potential for terror, suspense and horror that creating a movie surrounding the holiday could present.

And baby, was it done right. The result, 29 years later, the movie has become a cult classic and is considered by many to be the forerunner to most of the horror movies of the 80’s and beyond.

A Star is born.

Jamie Lee Curtis played Laurie Strode, the wide-eyed innocent and awkward teen who took on Michael Myers, and although she along with movie-goers was absolutely scared out of our minds, she gave Michael Myers as much as he could handle.

For someone who hadn’t had one single role on film to that point, and although Ms. Curtis was very critical of her performance, I can’t image this Best Horror Movies being as good as it was with out the young actress in the role.

Mr. Myers the Doctor will see you now.

It’s been said that, no matter the type of Best Horror Movies, you really don’t have a story without a well written antagonist. And as for Halloween, the role of the antagonist was played exceptionally well by late actor Donald Pleasance.

Donald played Dr. Sam Loomis, the doctor who had the daunting task of treating Michael Myers when he was a kid. And because of his knowledge of his patient, he knew if he ever was set free from the hospital, he would without question return to his home town, and the end result, would be as predictable, people would surely die.

You get the sense from watching the Dr. Loomis’ character on screen that he was very much obsessed with ridding the world of the “evil” that was Michael Myers. Christopher Lee, a very good character actor in his own right, if I’m not mistaken was originally offered the role but it obviously went to the man who with out a doubt did it justice.

The Man under the Mask

There have been many others to play the role of Michael Myers in the sequels that followed but none did it like Nick Castle. He was the perfect embodiment of John Carpenter’s vision for what he saw as “pure evil”. In order to really appreciate this man’s stellar performance one must only see him in all of his gory. Sorry, in all of his glory.

What’s the Boogey Man?

The main thing that made this movie so good was John Carpenter’s ability to capitalize on our “child-like” fear of the “Boogey Man”. The Boogey Man is every kid’s worse nightmare. Nothing scares children like the boogey man.

Kids always believe that despite what their parents tell them, the boogey man does in fact hang out under their beds and in their closets, waiting and lurking in the shadows to snuff out their little lives. Kids revere their parents, at least most do, and may even be afraid of them from time to time but, as for the Boogie Man, they are truly afraid.

And for this reason the Michael Myers character is in a sense an archetype, in that he is the fullness of the only individual who scares us like no other. This is how John Carpenter envisioned him. He did, however, refer to him differently when he was writing the part.

The website, says of Michael Myers, The Shape is what John Carpenter referred to Michael Myers as in the script. Throughout the movie you only see the outline of Michael lurking in the shadows, non-descript and very much a “shape”. Now you tell me, who does that sound like to you?

Ok, die already will you!

What I remember most about this movie, when I saw it for the first time, was that it was truly frightening, of course any 14 year old kid would think so. I guess it was something about the large imposing masked man wielding an equally large kitchen knife, looking to take any and everyone’s life, and do it with relative ease. A man, I might add, who refuses to die on more than one occasion.

Clearly Lauie Strode was unaware of one simple fact about the boogie man and it was this, no matter how hard you try you absolutely cannot kill him. Okay Michael Myers may not have been the actual boogie man, the infamous purveyor of terror, but he was however, one scary ass dude. One I don’t mind watching over and over again in this terrific movie.

The Monster Blunder You Will Make When Buying Jewelry

Have you ever had the feeling like you might have just spent more cash than you planned on purchasing jewelry from a jewelry store? If you have felt that way you should remember this bit of info about the worst error shoppers have to deal with when exchanging money for jewelry from a jewelry store.

In this article, we will go into detail about ‘The Worst Mistake’, how I stay away from it, and the location to go the later time you think about spending your money on jewelry.

The biggest mistake consumers bring about when spending money on jewelry, is the location they decide to buy any jewelry Frequently, they’ll walk into a jewelry store, and cram into a jewelry sales team who is skilled at what they were trained for, jewelry salesmanship.

What’s the problem you’re probably asking yourself? For the reason that when you make the decision to purchase your jewelry from the closest jewelry store, you are not solely buying the jewelry.

You also have to fork over cash the jewelry store’s temperature bills, electricity bills, maintenance bills, rent, and not to mention the wages of the Most Expensive Jewelry Brands sales person helping you. It’s called overhead, and the less you get forced up to give up cash for, the less you’ll you’ll be able to pick up.

Wondering the best way to don’t have to deal with overhead expenses? Unfortunately, it’s impossible. Something you DO have the ability to do though, is keep a closer look out on the amount of overhead you hand over for the jewelry.

What store do you estimate has more bills? The classy looking jewelry store with the classy looking Most Expensive Jewelry Brands salesperson ready to close you, or the plain warehouse that keeps the exact same jewelry, without any exquisite rugs no shimmering display cases, and no high-class jewelry salesman? Overhead is the biggest part of the reason, for example, why organic foods are priced so much higher than normal Kroger food.

Ask yourself ‘which food store is known to be set up much nicer than it’s counterpart? Starting to see the amount of your cash is used to a jewelry store’s lights on?

Contemplating where to buy jewelry and stay away from the increasing amounts of jewelry store overhead yet? You’re about to find out.

Online wholesale jewelry stores possess a wonderful rep of housing high quality jewelry at a mere fraction of the jewelry store markup By far, the online wholesale jewelry store with the best reputation is a wholesaler who auctions the jewelry. They have, not only the biggest pick of jewelry I’ve seen online, but also the cheapest prices, in addition to the top brands.

Jewelry cleaning cloth with the proper chemicals for clean and shiny jewels:

Right now, many people love using jewelry. The jewelry may be made of gold, platinum, silver, diamonds, gemstones and many more. A lot of people have them because they want to collect them. If you really want your jewelries to look good, take good care of them. You may think that all jewelries are easy to clean but you are wrong. They are very expensive objects, but they look dull after years of usage so clean it properly. You need to follow the guidelines in cleaning your jewelries to prevent regrets in the future. Use the best jewelry cleaning cloth to bring back the shine of the jewelries again. Be consistent in cleaning it and do not use chemicals that can destroy it.

Jewelry cleaning cloth with the proper chemicals for clean and shiny jewels:

Are you using the right jewelry cleaning cloth for your jewelries, armlets, necklaces, rings and bracelets? Let people drool, seeing you as one of the people that have the best jewelries. To achieve having a best looking Expensive Jewelry Brands In The World, use a jewelry cloth. This is a cloth that is pre-treated with added chemicals that can surely bring out the beauty of the jewelries. It can clean different jewelries such as silver, gold, brass and platinum.

How to use a jewelry cleaning cloth:

When you have Expensive Jewelry Brands In The World, you have an investment in your hands, so take good care of your collection. Go ahead and let people gasp at the beauty of your jewelry, but you need to make an effort in maintaining its luster. When you use a jewelry cloth, you can surely save money and bring back the shine and gleam of the jewelry you have. And you only need to spend a small amount of money to take care of it.

First, get your jewelry cleaning cloth and use the compound side to clean the surfaces of the jewelry. Rub it properly, and be careful not miss any of the surface because it can affect the shine and gleam of the jewelry. Second, Use the buffing side of the cloth to remove the compound placed into the jewelry by massaging and wiping it properly. Rub the cloth while holding the jewelry to make the jewelry shiny and brand new.

So what are you waiting for? Try your best to maintain the beauty of your jewelry. Do your very best to take good care of your investment. It is not necessary to spend a lot of money just to clean your jewelry when a jewelry cleaning cloth can surely be used to get all but the toughest jobs done.